Monday, 25 June 2012

And the winner is ....

Good afternoon everyone ♥ At the market on Sunday we had a free raffle to win a hand made fairy door. I just wanted to let you know that Jodie from Forest Gardens, Cairns is our lucky winner ♥ Congratulations Jodie!

Sunday, 24 June 2012

To market to market.... on International Fairy Day!

Today is 'International Fairy Day' .... to celebrate in style Garden Sparkle is having its first ever market stall at the TANKS ~ Body, Mind and Soul Festival in Cairns. Please flutter on over to say hi! We have plenty of magic fairy dust to share around :O) We are also running a free raffle to win a magical fairy door! Here is a pic of me with my friend Harold the Gnome.
Kate xx

Happy Fairy Day!!

Wishing you all a happy and glorious International Fairy Day!!

'...Fairy Day is a holiday sprung from the imagination of a fairy artist and believer, and brought to life with the help of many of her talented friends and fellow fairy lovers. With the world enjoying a surge of interest in all things fairy, we feel that now is the perfect time to introduce a yearly holiday to celebrate the fae. This holiday is for everyone who believes in the magic of fairytales. It is for those imaginative souls who dare to dream impossible dreams. It is for the children of the world, wide eyed and open to the magic that surrounds them. It is for adults too, who long to capture a bit of that magic they remember from thier own childhood. Please join us in supporting this wonderful holiday...'

How divine is this cake for the faeries!

Here are some fun things you can do today to celebrate International Fairy Day.
  • Read favourite fairytales and dress up as your favourite characters
  • Bake and decorate fairy cakes
  • Have a fairy tea party
  • Make an offering of sweet treats and milk for the faeries at the bottom of your garden
  • Create a fairy garden
  • Collect natural treasures such as seed pods, bark, twigs, leaves, rocks, pebbles and shells to add to your fairy garden
  • Paint and draw pictures of the faeries and fae realm
  • Paint and decorate pebbles and stones for your enchanted fairy garden
  • Go for a walk through the forest or your local botanical gardens to admire the beauty of nature
  • Play, listen and dance to beautiful instrumental music such as harp or flute (other favourites are Enya and Lisa Gerrard).
  • Create a fairy circle of petals and leaves in the garden

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Fairy fun craft

What are you planning for International Fairy Day? Here's a fairy fun and creative activity that you can enjoy with the wee ones and a beautiful way to celebrate the fae folk!

Follow this link to the Bowdabra Blog to see how it's done:

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Casting, baking, painting and dusting with sparkles

The Garden Sparkle workshop is a hive of activity at the moment in preparation for the TANKS ~ Body, Mind and Soul Festival in Cairns. Fairy doors are being cast, mushroom houses painted, mini toadstools baked, garden starter kits packaged up! It is all go :o)

Monday, 11 June 2012

Upcoming fairy celebrations....

Not long now .... mark your diaries for the 24th June is International Fairy Day and also Midsummer Solstice :O) A magical time of year no matter what hemisphere you live in!

Friday, 1 June 2012

The fairies are blogging at last!

Well here we are finally!!! The Garden Sparkle blog has been a long time coming .... so I wish you to extend a very warm welcome to all of my fairy gardening friends; I hope we can meet here often.This blog will of course be a work in progress. Do pop by every now and then as I'll be posting all sorts of enchanting tips and inspiration for your fairy or gnome garden. Much love and fairy blessings from Far North Queensland,
Kate x